Revisiting the History of Medieval Rajasthan: Essays for Professor Dilbagh Singh

EDITOR – Suraj Bhan Bhardwaj, Mayank Kumar & Rameshwar Prasad Bahuguna

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  • AUTHOR :  Suraj Bhan Bhardwaj, Mayank Kumar & Rameshwar Prasad Bahuguna
  • HB ISBN : 978-93-86552-22-8
  • POD ISBN : 978-93-86552-81-5
  • Year : 2018
  • Extent : 360 pp.
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  • Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.

Hidden Histories

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  • AUTHOR –
  • ISBN – 978-93-86552-22-8
  • Year – 2018
  • Extent: 400 + 40 coloured illustrations
  • 10% discount + free shipping
  • Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.

Immensely rich and diverse documentation for the region have resulted in exceptional growth in the research conducted on the history of medieval Rajasthan. Professor Dilbagh Singh has been one of the pioneers to explore archival documents of the different principalities of Rajasthan in his research and under his guidance, generations of researchers have been able to integrate archival documentation with extraordinary literary works available on that region. This collection of essays encapsulates recent trends in exploring the history of Rajasthan envisioning medieval Rajasthan as not just the present geographical spread of the state but situating it within the larger landscape extending up to Central Asia.

Most of the essays in this volume are interdisciplinary in nature, dealing, on the one hand, with the interactions between society, polity and religion, and, on the other, the significance of climate variability and the human capacity for adaptations. A set of essays deals with the fluidity of identities of communities visible in religious affairs and in matrimonial alliances. Revisiting the History of Medieval Rajasthan, thus offers fresh perspectives on the history of the region even while it re-examines the conventional narratives of the history of medieval Rajasthan.

The Editors
Suraj Bhan Bhardwaj teaches history at Motilal Nehru College, University of Delhi.
Rameshwar Prasad Bahuguna is Professor of Medieval Indian History at the Department of History and Culture, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi.
Mayank Kumar teaches history at Satyawati College (Evening), University of Delhi.

Immensely rich and diverse documentation for the region have resulted in exceptional growth in the research conducted on the history of medieval Rajasthan. Professor Dilbagh Singh has been one of the pioneers to explore archival documents of the different principalities of Rajasthan in his research and under his guidance, generations of researchers have been able to integrate archival documentation with extraordinary literary works available on that region. This collection of essays encapsulates recent trends in exploring the history of Rajasthan envisioning medieval Rajasthan as not just the present geographical spread of the state but situating it within the larger landscape extending up to Central Asia.

Most of the essays in this volume are interdisciplinary in nature, dealing, on the one hand, with the interactions between society, polity and religion, and, on the other, the significance of climate variability and the human capacity for adaptations. A set of essays deals with the fluidity of identities of communities visible in religious affairs and in matrimonial alliances. Revisiting the History of Medieval Rajasthan, thus offers fresh perspectives on the history of the region even while it re-examines the conventional narratives of the history of medieval Rajasthan.

The Editors
Syed Akbar Hyder is Associate Professor of Asian Studies and Islamic Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. He also serves as the director of the Hindi-Urdu Flagship Program. His research focuses on South Asian literature, aesthetics, and popular culture. Among his publications is Reliving Karbala: Martyrdom in South Asian Memory.
Manu Bhagavan is Professor of History and Human Rights at Hunter College and the Graduate Ceter-CUNY. He is the author of The Peacemakers (2012) and Sovereign Spheres (2003), and the co-editor of 3 other books. His Quartz essay on global authoritarianism went viral internationally and was translated into German as the lead, cover article of the May 2016 Berliner Republik magazine. He is the recipient of a 2006 Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies and is an elected member of the Pacific Council on International Policy. He regularly appears in the media to comment on global affairs.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

List Of Tables And Appendices Vii-Viii
Preface Ix-Xi
Introduction – S.B. Bhardwaj, R.P. Bahuguna And Mayank Kumar 1-8
Social Sciences And Social Revolution In India: Challenges And Responses Yogendra Singh 9-19
Traders And Missionaries: A Case Study Of Sarts Of Asia G.S.L. Devra 20-34
Socio-Economic Context Of Development Of Jainism In Rajasthan B.L. Bhadani 35-43
Forms Of Remarriages In The Marginal Sections Of Societies Of Rural Rajasthan (C.1700–1800) Shashi Arora Devra 44-51
Conflict Over Social Surplus: Challenges Of Ijara (Revenue Farming) In Eighteenth-Century North India: A Case Study Of Mewat suraj Bhan Bhardwaj 52-83
Religious Festivals As Political Rituals: Kingship And Legitimation In Late Pre-Colonial Rajasthan R.P. Bahuguna 84-92
Mitigating Climatic Adversity In Seventeenth–Eighteenth Century Rajasthan: A Study Of The Socio-Political Negotiations Bhupinder K. Chaudhry 93-115
The Cult Of Goga: A Study Of The Religious Process Of A Popular Folk Deity In Rajasthan Rajshree Dhali 116-135
Seasonal Peasant Migration And Agrarian Production: South-Eastern Rajasthan (C.1700–1900) Narayan Singh Rao 136-159
The Feminine Space In The Discourses Of Early Chishti Shaykhs Of C. Fourteenth Century Khurshid Khan 160-176
Maharana Pratap’s Resistance To Mughal Dominance: A Reinterpretation Of Regional And Imperial Perspectives Renu Bahuguna 177-196
Petty Moneylending To Ijaradari: Multiple Facets Of Indigenous Banking Of Rajasthan During Seventeenth And Eighteenth Centuries
The Uncertain Monsoon: Perceptions And Experiences In North-West India In The Seventeenth And Eighteenth Centuries Mayank Kumar 240-263
A ‘Mughal’ Rajput Or A ‘Rajput’ Mughal?: Some Reflections On Rajput-Mughal Marriages In The Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries
Tanuja Kothiyal
Claims And Counterclaims: Widow Remarriage In Eighteenth-Century Marwar Kailash Rani 296-309
Moneylenders In The Jaipur State During The Pre-Colonial Period Mamta Tyagi 310-336
Notes On Editors And Contributors 337-340
Index 341-348