- AUTHOR : Marvin Bram
- HB ISBN : 978-93-86552-63-1
- POD ISBN : 978-93-86552-64-8
- Year : 2018
- Extent : 544 pp.
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A History of Humanity
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- ISBN – 978-93-86552-84-6
- Year – 2018
- Extent: 400 + 40 coloured illustrations
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- Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.
A History of Humanity completes the remarkable story of the worldwide human community by including the unique insights of symbolic history alongside careful accounts of political, economic, and cultural events. While political, economic, and cultural matters give us an ‘outer history’, the illumination of humanity’s extraordinary symbol-making activities gives us our ‘inner history’. These two orientations to history together permit fully rounded characterizations of human life before the advent of civilization and of the subsequent civilizations of the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, and the West. Because of its dual orientation to the human career, A History of Humanity also makes it possible to understand world history not only descriptively but prescriptively, encouraging participation in the creation of an increasingly humane planetary future.
The Author
Marvin Bram is Professor Emeritus of History at Hobart and William Smith Colleges in Geneva, New York, USA.
A History of Humanity completes the remarkable story of the worldwide human community by including the unique insights of symbolic history alongside careful accounts of political, economic, and cultural events. While political, economic, and cultural matters give us an ‘outer history’, the illumination of humanity’s extraordinary symbol-making activities gives us our ‘inner history’. These two orientations to history together permit fully rounded characterizations of human life before the advent of civilization and of the subsequent civilizations of the Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, and the West. Because of its dual orientation to the human career, A History of Humanity also makes it possible to understand world history not only descriptively but prescriptively, encouraging participation in the creation of an increasingly humane planetary future.
The Editors
Syed Akbar Hyder is Associate Professor of Asian Studies and Islamic Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. He also serves as the director of the Hindi-Urdu Flagship Program. His research focuses on South Asian literature, aesthetics, and popular culture. Among his publications is Reliving Karbala: Martyrdom in South Asian Memory.
Manu Bhagavan is Professor of History and Human Rights at Hunter College and the Graduate Ceter-CUNY. He is the author of The Peacemakers (2012) and Sovereign Spheres (2003), and the co-editor of 3 other books. His Quartz essay on global authoritarianism went viral internationally and was translated into German as the lead, cover article of the May 2016 Berliner Republik magazine. He is the recipient of a 2006 Fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies and is an elected member of the Pacific Council on International Policy. He regularly appears in the media to comment on global affairs.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List Of Figures | Vii-Viii |
Preface | Ix-Xii |
Acknowledgements | Xiii-Xv |
To The Student Of World History | Xvii |
Some Suggestions For Classroom Use | Xix-Xxiii |
Mind And World | 1-43 |
Civilization | 44-71 |
The Greeks | 72-106 |
Universalisms | 107-171 |
Asia | 172-221 |
Europe I | 222-259 |
Europe Ii | 260-305 |
The Enlightenment Project | 306-391 |
Our Time I | 392-451 |
Our Time Ii | 452-498 |
Afterword | 499-502 |
Further Reading | 503-508 |
Index | 509-524 |