Approach to Battle: Training the Indian Army during the Second World War
AUTHOR: Alan Jeffreys
HB ₹1195 |
- AUTHOR: Alan Jeffreys
- HB ISBN: 978-93-5290-627-7
- Year: 2019
- Extent: 250
- Discount available on checkout
- Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.
The Indian Army was the largest volunteer army during the Second World War. Indian Army divisions fought in the Middle East, North and East Africa, Italy – and went to make up the overwhelming majority of the troops in South East Asia. Over two million personnel served in the Indian Army – and India provided the base for supplies for the Middle Eastern and South East Asian theatres. This monograph is a modern historical interpretation of the Indian Army as a holistic organisation during the Second World War. It will look at training in India – charting how the Indian Army developed a more comprehensive training structure than any other Commonwealth country. This was achieved through both the dissemination of doctrine and the professionalism of a small coterie of Indian Army officers who brought about a military culture within the Indian Army – starting in the 1930s – that came to fruition during the Second World War, which informed the formal learning process.
The book will illustrate that the Indian Army was reorganised after experiences of the First World War. Then during the interwar period, the army developed training and doctrine for both fighting on the North West Frontier, and as an aid to civil power. With the outbreak of the Second World War, in addition to these roles, the army had to expand and adapt to fighting modern professional armies in the difficult terrains of desert, jungle and mountain warfare. This was addressed by the Directorate of Military Training with training pamphlets produced for fighting in these terrains.
The doctrine developed through experience and was assimilated into later editions of the training pamphlets and memoranda. This training material formed the basis of training instructions that were produced in nearly every Indian Army division fighting in all theatres. Similarly the training instructions were updated after exercises and battle experience and the lessons were also disseminated back to the Military Training Directorate. A clear development of doctrine and training can be seen, with many pamphlets being produced by GHQ India that were, in turn, used to formulate training within formations and then used in divisional, brigade and unit training instructions – thus a clear line of process can be seen not only from GHQ India down to brigade and battalion level, but also upwards from battalion and brigade level based on experience in battle that was absorbed into new training instructions. Together with the added impetus for education in the army, by 1945 the Indian Army had become a modern, professional and national army.
Alan Jeffreys was educated at Douai School, the University of Southampton and King’s College London. He is a series editor of Helion’s War and Military Culture in South Asia, 1757–1947 academic historical series and a senior curator in the Second World War section at the Imperial War Museum. He is also a member of the Templer Medal Sub-Committee for the Society of Army Historical Research. Publications include The British Army in the Far East 1941-45 and The Indian Army, 1939-47: Experience and Development (co-ed.).