Contemporary Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management
EDITOR- Ashok Aima, Vinay Chauhan and Jaya Bhasin
HB ₹895 . $59.95 . ₤39.95 |
- EDITOR : Ashok Aima, Vinay Chauhan and Jaya Bhasin
- HB ISBN : 978-93-80607-72-6
- Year : 2014
- Extent : xiv + 190
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Contemporary Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management
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- ISBN – 978-93-80607-72-6
- Year – 2014
- Extent: 400 + 40 coloured illustrations
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- Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.
Large-scale seasonal mobility of tourists is a comparatively recent phenomenon. Excited at the prospects of economic and developmental possibilities of tourism, people tend to ignore the considerable stress it imposes on the environment, which is particularly acute in the case of the Himalayan regions. The fragile nature of the mountainous environment, has limited carrying capacity for developing large-scale touristic infrastructure. The impact of the ever-increasing seasonal tourism and the resulting socio-economic stress raises environmental concerns which need careful examination from both national and international perspectives. Contemporary Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management attempts an integrated approach to tourism development, focusing on sustainability and authenticity of tourism experiences as effective responses to changes in tourism patterns and relationship matrix, as underpinned by the complex linkages fostered by multiple stakeholders. It discusses issues related to contemporary practices in tourism in order to develop strategic tools to mitigate the challenges faced by stakeholders in planning, implementing innovative programmes and in sustaining holistic tourism development.
This book highlights areas of contemporary relevance in tourism and thereby develop an effective framework to provide better understanding about dimensions pertaining to its promotion and development.
The Editors
Ashok Aima is Professor and Head, Department of Tourism and Travel Management and Human Resource Management & OB, Central University of Jammu, Jammu. In addition to authoring five books on manpower planning, tourism and regional planning, Dr Aima has published research papers in journals of national and international repute.
Vinay Chauhan is Associate Professor, The Business School, University of Jammu, Jammu. He has published extensively in journals such as Tourismos (Greece) and Journal of Tourism Challenges & Trends (Romania).
Jaya Bhasin is Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Management & OB, Central University of Jammu, Jammu.
Large-scale seasonal mobility of tourists is a comparatively recent phenomenon. Excited at the prospects of economic and developmental possibilities of tourism, people tend to ignore the considerable stress it imposes on the environment, which is particularly acute in the case of the Himalayan regions. The fragile nature of the mountainous environment, has limited carrying capacity for developing large-scale touristic infrastructure. The impact of the ever-increasing seasonal tourism and the resulting socio-economic stress raises environmental concerns which need careful examination from both national and international perspectives. Contemporary Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management attempts an integrated approach to tourism development, focusing on sustainability and authenticity of tourism experiences as effective responses to changes in tourism patterns and relationship matrix, as underpinned by the complex linkages fostered by multiple stakeholders. It discusses issues related to contemporary practices in tourism in order to develop strategic tools to mitigate the challenges faced by stakeholders in planning, implementing innovative programmes and in sustaining holistic tourism development.
This book highlights areas of contemporary relevance in tourism and thereby develop an effective framework to provide better understanding about dimensions pertaining to its promotion and development.
The Editors
Ashok Aima is Professor and Head, Department of Tourism and Travel Management and Human Resource Management & OB, Central University of Jammu, Jammu. In addition to authoring five books on manpower planning, tourism and regional planning, Dr Aima has published research papers in journals of national and international repute.
Vinay Chauhan is Associate Professor, The Business School, University of Jammu, Jammu. He has published extensively in journals such as Tourismos (Greece) and Journal of Tourism Challenges & Trends (Romania).
Jaya Bhasin is Associate Professor, Department of Human Resource Management & OB, Central University of Jammu, Jammu.