Cultivating Pathways of Creative Research: New Horizons of Tranformative Practice and Collaborative Imagination
AUTHOR – Ananta Kumar Giri
HB ₹1495 . $69.95 . ₤56.95 |
- AUTHOR : Ananta Kumar Giri
- HB ISBN : 978-93-86552-19-8
- POD ISBN : 978-93-86552-20-4
- Year : 2017
- Extent : 544 pp.
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Cultivating Pathways of Creative Research
HB ₹ 1495 . $ . ₤ |
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- ISBN – 978-93-86552-19-8
- Year – 2017
- Extent: 400 + 40 coloured illustrations
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- Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.
Cultivating Pathways of Creative Research: New Horizons of Transformative Practice and Collaborative Imagination strives to cultivate new pathways of research and engagement in social sciences and humanities where cultivation is linked to cross-fertilization of creative theorizing and transformative practice, appropriate self-formation and collaborative imagination, experimental creativity and world transformation. With a foreword and an afterword, the book brings together thirty creative thinkers of our world from diverse backgrounds who share with us their vision and practice of cultivating pathways of creative research. They help us go beyond formalism of method and cultivate new pathways of research in social sciences and humanities, especially in sociology, anthropology, education, art and literature. The volume, second in the trilogy of Creative Research, which follows Pathways of Creative Research: Towards a Festival of Dialogues and is followed by Research as Realization: Science, Spirituality and Harmony is not only a pioneering contribution to the world research but also to rethinking and regenerating self, culture, society and the human condition. This book speaks to a wide readership and concern in transdisciplinary cross-currents of the academy and to the strivings and aspirations of seeking souls all across our fragile and meditative humanity.
The book engages itself with scholar-activism as a new genre of social research and public engagement and explores a new art of transformative learning nurturing a broader aesthetics and spiritual transformation of our methods and life.
The Editor
Ananta Kumar Giri is Professor at the Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, India. He has taught and done research in many universities in India and abroad, including Aalborg University (Denmark); Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris (France); the University of Kentucky (USA); University of Freiburg & Humboldt University (Germany); and Jagiellonian University (Poland). He has an abiding interest in social movements and cultural change, criticism, creativity and contemporary dialectics of transformation, theories of self, culture and society, and creative streams in education, philosophy and literature.
Cultivating Pathways of Creative Research: New Horizons of Transformative Practice and Collaborative Imagination strives to cultivate new pathways of research and engagement in social sciences and humanities where cultivation is linked to cross-fertilization of creative theorizing and transformative practice, appropriate self-formation and collaborative imagination, experimental creativity and world transformation. With a foreword and an afterword, the book brings together thirty creative thinkers of our world from diverse backgrounds who share with us their vision and practice of cultivating pathways of creative research. They help us go beyond formalism of method and cultivate new pathways of research in social sciences and humanities, especially in sociology, anthropology, education, art and literature. The volume, second in the trilogy of Creative Research, which follows Pathways of Creative Research: Towards a Festival of Dialogues and is followed by Research as Realization: Science, Spirituality and Harmony is not only a pioneering contribution to the world research but also to rethinking and regenerating self, culture, society and the human condition. This book speaks to a wide readership and concern in transdisciplinary cross-currents of the academy and to the strivings and aspirations of seeking souls all across our fragile and meditative humanity.
The book engages itself with scholar-activism as a new genre of social research and public engagement and explores a new art of transformative learning nurturing a broader aesthetics and spiritual transformation of our methods and life.
The Editor
Ananta Kumar Giri is Professor at the Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, India. He has taught and done research in many universities in India and abroad, including Aalborg University (Denmark); Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris (France); the University of Kentucky (USA); University of Freiburg & Humboldt University (Germany); and Jagiellonian University (Poland). He has an abiding interest in social movements and cultural change, criticism, creativity and contemporary dialectics of transformation, theories of self, culture and society, and creative streams in education, philosophy and literature.