A History of the Modern World: An Outline

AUTHOR- Ranjan Chakrabarti

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  • AUTHOR : Ranjan Chakrabarti
  • PB ISBN : 978-93-80607-50-4
  • Year : 2012
  • Extent: xiv + 416 pp.
  • Discount available on checkout
  • Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.

A History of the Modern World

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  • AUTHOR – Ranjan Chakrabarti
  • ISBN – 978-93-80607-50-4
  • Year – 2012
  • Extent: 400 + 40 coloured illustrations
  • 10% discount + free shipping
  • Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.

A History of the Modern World: An Outline is an introductory text that provides a well-rounded historical account of the processes of the modern world, ranging from the French Revolution and Napoleon to the Cold War. The work assesses major moments and transitions in European and world history. One of the primary objectives of this book is to understand how revolutions, wars, dictatorships and empires have led to long-term experiments with nationalism, democracy, liberalism, human rights, socialism, sustainable development, and global peace.

The Author
Ranjan Chakrabarti is the Vice Chancellor of Vidyasagar University, West Bengal.

A History of the Modern World: An Outline is an introductory text that provides a well-rounded historical account of the processes of the modern world, ranging from the French Revolution and Napoleon to the Cold War. The work assesses major moments and transitions in European and world history. One of the primary objectives of this book is to understand how revolutions, wars, dictatorships and empires have led to long-term experiments with nationalism, democracy, liberalism, human rights, socialism, sustainable development, and global peace.

The Author
Ranjan Chakrabarti is the Vice Chancellor of Vidyasagar University, West Bengal.

Table of Contents

Preface xiii
1. The Euro-American World In The Last Quarter Of The Eighteenth Century 1-31
2. The French Revolution (1789-1815) 32-82
3. Revolution AndReaction In Europe (1815-1848) 83-118
4. The Second Phase Of The Industrial Revolution 119-135
5. The Rising Tide OfNationalism 136-160
6. The American Civil War (1861-1865) 161-175
7. The Eastern Question 176-195
8. First World War (1914-1918) 196-220
9. Arab Nationalism 221-236
10. Reform AndRevolution In Russia 237-266
11. The Far East 267-308
12. Fascism InEurope 309-328
13. Second World War (1939-1945) 329-343
14. The World After The Second World War 344-355
15. The United Nations 356-364
Bibliography 365-398
Index 399-416