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Social Statistics
Local Politics and Participatory Planning in Kerala
Reimagining Nations and Rethinking Nature
Strategies for Human Development and People’s Participation
The Marginalized Self
Caste and Life Narratives
Contemporary Society
Visual Histories of South Asia
What Happened to the Bhadralok
Say to the Sun, “Don’t Rise,” and to the Moon, “Don’t Set”
Why Unitary Social Science?
The Measure of Time in the Appraisal of Social Reality
Pathways of Creative Research
Cultivating Pathways of Creative Research
Research as Realization
Impaired Bodies, Gendered Lives
Identities and Assertions
Beyond the Private World
Dangerous Marginality
Indian Emigrants to Sugar Colonies
Another South Asia!
Contesting Nationalisms
Traces Of Empire-India, America And Postcolonial Cultures
Invoking Ambedkar
Plunging the Ocean
Enslaved Innocence
The Song of the Loom
Transfer of Knowledge and Children’s Agency
Essays on Suicide and Self Immolation
Living and Dying
Desi Dreams
Indian Diaspora in the Caribbean
Mumbai- Socio- Cultural Perspectives
Disciplined Natives
Modernity and Changing Social Fabric of Punjab and Haryana
Caste in Kerala
The Anglo Indians in Hyderabad:Socio-Linguistic, Historical and Anthropological Perspectives
Religion, Conversion and Identity: A Sociological Study of the Uraoñs of Chotanagpur
Land Control and Social Structure in Indian History (Second Edition)
Sorrow Songs of Woods: Adivasi-Nature Relationship in the Anthropocene in Manbhum
BEYOND THE METROS: Anglo-Indians in India’s Smaller Towns and Cities
Religion, Community and Nation: Hindu Consciousness and Nationalism in Colonial Punjab