Vanguards of Globalization: Port-Cities from the Classical to the Modern
EDITOR -Rila Mukherjee
HB ₹1295 . $79.95 . ₤52.95 |
- AUTHOR : Rila Mukherjee
- HB ISBN : 978-93-80607-94-8
- Year : 2014
- Extent : xviii + 426 pp.
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Vanguards of Globalization
₹1295 . $ . ₤ |
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- ISBN – 978-93-80607-94-8
- Year – 2014
- Extent: 400 + 40 coloured illustrations
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- Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.
Vanguards of Globalization: Port-Cities from the Classical to the Modern looks at the historical evolution of port-cities from emporion to gateway and interrogates their nature over time. This volume studies specific port-cities such as Barbarikon, Chaul, Porto Novo, Madras, Nagasaki, and Sitangkai, and more generally the ports around the Erythraean Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic, Portuguese, Andhra, Bengal and Vietnamese coasts. In doing so, the contributors celebrate the hybridity and cosmopolitanism that port-cities offer and discuss the wider implications of cross-cultural competition, port-hinterland dynamics as well as themes, problems and textual evidence about port-cities and how they link to ports today.
The Editor
Rila Mukherjee is currently Director, Institut de Chandernagor, West Bengal, India. Her areas of interest include new spatial categories and network theory. Rila Mukherjee’s most recent publication is the edited volume Oceans Connect: Reflections on Water Worlds Across Time and Space (2013).
Vanguards of Globalization: Port-Cities from the Classical to the Modern looks at the historical evolution of port-cities from emporion to gateway and interrogates their nature over time. This volume studies specific port-cities such as Barbarikon, Chaul, Porto Novo, Madras, Nagasaki, and Sitangkai, and more generally the ports around the Erythraean Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic, Portuguese, Andhra, Bengal and Vietnamese coasts. In doing so, the contributors celebrate the hybridity and cosmopolitanism that port-cities offer and discuss the wider implications of cross-cultural competition, port-hinterland dynamics as well as themes, problems and textual evidence about port-cities and how they link to ports today.
The Editor
Rila Mukherjee is currently Director, Institut de Chandernagor, West Bengal, India. Her areas of interest include new spatial categories and network theory. Rila Mukherjee’s most recent publication is the edited volume Oceans Connect: Reflections on Water Worlds Across Time and Space (2013).