The Ways that Big History Works: Cosmos, Life, Society and Our Future

EDITOR – Barry Rodrigue, Leonid Grinin and Andrey Korotayev

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  • EDITOR : Barry Rodrigue, Leonid Grinin and Andrey Korotayev
  • HB ISBN :  978-93-86552-24-2
  • POD ISBN : 978-93-86552-25-9
  • Year  : 2017
  • Extent : 392 pp.
  • Discount available on checkout
  • Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.

Vol. III – The Ways That Big History Works

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  • AUTHOR –
  • ISBN – 978-93-86552-24-2
  • Year – 2016
  • Extent: 400 + 40 coloured illustrations
  • 10% discount + free shipping
  • Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.

Big History is a new field that has been developing rapidly around the world. It deals with the universe’s grand narrative of 13.8 billion years and provides a connection between our past, present and future. This volume, the second in a three-volume series, considers humanity’s search for meaning and expression. It seeks to challenge and excite our vision of daily life in light of the discoveries happening all around us.
The Third Volume of the Big History Series helps us to understand the nature of our existence and consider the pathways to our future. This volume will challenge and excite your vision of your own life as well as focus on the new discoveries happening around us. Together with the authors, who come from all the inhabited continents of our planet, you will embark on a fascinating trip into the depths of time and space, and — we hope — will join us in coming to an understanding of our origins and our future.

The Editors
Barry Rodrigue is a geographer, archaeologist and historian who works as a Research Professor at the Eurasian Center for Megahistory and System Forecasting, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. Rodrigue is a founding member of both the International Big History Association and the Asian Big History Association.
Leonid Grinin is Senior Research Professor at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, and Deputy Director of its Eurasian Center for Megahistory and System Forecasting.
Andrey Korotayev is Senior Research Professor at the Eurasian Center for Megahistory and System Forecasting, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences and Head of the Laboratory for Monitoring Socio-Political Destabilization Risks, National Research University, Higher School of Economics.

Big History is a new field that has been developing rapidly around the world. It deals with the universe’s grand narrative of 13.8 billion years and provides a connection between our past, present and future. This volume, the second in a three-volume series, considers humanity’s search for meaning and expression. It seeks to challenge and excite our vision of daily life in light of the discoveries happening all around us.
The Third Volume of the Big History Series helps us to understand the nature of our existence and consider the pathways to our future. This volume will challenge and excite your vision of your own life as well as focus on the new discoveries happening around us. Together with the authors, who come from all the inhabited continents of our planet, you will embark on a fascinating trip into the depths of time and space, and — we hope — will join us in coming to an understanding of our origins and our future.

The Editors
Barry Rodrigue is a geographer, archaeologist and historian who works as a Research Professor at the Eurasian Center for Megahistory and System Forecasting, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. Rodrigue is a founding member of both the International Big History Association and the Asian Big History Association.
Leonid Grinin is Senior Research Professor at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, and Deputy Director of its Eurasian Center for Megahistory and System Forecasting.
Andrey Korotayev is Senior Research Professor at the Eurasian Center for Megahistory and System Forecasting, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences and Head of the Laboratory for Monitoring Socio-Political Destabilization Risks, National Research University, Higher School of Economics.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface: The Infinite Sky Ix-Xi
Introduction: The Ways That Big History Works: Cosmos, Life, Society And Our Future Barry Rodrigue, Leonid Grinin And Andrey Korotayev 1-9
Part I : Cosmos, Life And Society
Big History And The Major Stages Of Human Evolution Kathy Schick And Nicholas Toth 13-24
Stellar Evolution And Social Evolution: A Study In Parallel Processes Robert L. Carneiro 25-44
The Chandra Multiverse Tom Gehrels 45-70
Microcosmos: Phages And Life Elizabeth Martin Kutter 71-83
Echoes Of The Paleolithic: A Research Note On The Great Floods And The Origins Of Chinese Civilization Qi Tao 84-94
The Little Ice Age And The Coming Of The Anthropocene Ji-Hyung Cho 195-106
Part I I : How Big History Works
Major Transitions In Big HistoryRobert Aunger 109-140
Biological And Social Phases Of Big History: Evolutionary Principles And Mechanisms Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev And
Alexander Markov
10500: The Darwinian Algorithm As A New Research Agenda In Big HistoryDavid Baker 175-182
Big History, Complexity Theory And Life In A Non-Linear World Dmitri Bondarenko And Ken Baskin 3183-196
The Next Energy Revolution: Evolutionary Energetics, Models, And Scenarios Frank Niele 197-250
Part I I I : Entry Points Into Big History
Roads Toward Big History Fred Spier 253-260
Experience And Big History Rich Blundell 261-275
Big History And Bioregions Gary Lawless 276-280
New Indian Perspectives On History: Lessons For Leadership And Management Subhash Sharma 281-297
A Cosmology For Our Time Jennifer Morgan 298-307
‘I’m Not A Donkey And I Don’t Have A Field’ Eric Waddell 308-316
Life’s Meaning As A Global Problem Of Modernity: A View From A Big History And Complexity-Studies Perspective Akop Nazaretyan 317-338
Part I V: Our Futures
Conceptions Of A Global Brain: An Historical Review Francis Heylighen 341-356
The Coming Technological Singularity: How To Survive In The Post-Human Era Vernor Vinge 357-369
Singularity Of Evolution And Post-Singular Development Alexander Panov 370-402
Big Futures: Macrohistorical Perspectives On The Future Of Humankind Joseph Voros 403-436
Bibliography 437-498
Notes On Editors And Contributors 499-507
Index 509-523