Rethinking Buddhism: Text, Context, Contestation edited by Anand Singh

Rethinking Buddhism: Text, Context, Contestation

EDITOR: Anand Singh

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  • EDITOR : Anand Singh
  • HB ISBN : 978-93-5572-342-0
  • Year : 2023
  • Extent : 478
  • Discount available on checkout
  • Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.

Rethinking Buddhism: Text, Context, Contestation deals with textual traditions, contextualization, and contestation in Indian Buddhism. The essays in this volume envision, explore, and challenge some of the well-established views to investigate Buddhist sources and contemplate alternative theories on origin, development of early Schools, and other fundamentals. On the one hand, there are reassessments and reinterpretations of the established hypotheses; on the other, new voices are raised to re-examine the traditional opinions on narratives of understanding the philosophical and literary approaches. This volume examines real historical contexts and finds whether any kind of contestations occurred in different sects of Buddhism and with other existing religions.

The Editor

Anand Singh is Professor at the School of Buddhist Studies, Philosophy, and Comparative Religion at Nalanda University. He was formerly Dean of the School of Buddhist Studies and Civilization at Gautam Buddha University. He is the author of over thirty scholarly articles. His monographs and edited volumes include Planet, Plants and Animals: Ecological Paradigms in Buddhism (2019); Dāna: Reciprocity & Patronage in Buddhism (2017); Buddhist at Sārnāth (2014); and Tourism in Ancient India (2006).