- HB ISBN : 978-93-90430-02-4
- POD ISBN : 978-93-90430-03-1
- Year : 2020
- Extent : 276
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The essays in this volume deal with caste reform movements in Kerala of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which form the most significant development in the history of caste in modern times. The core of this book Caste in Kerala consists of four essays on cast reform movements among the Namputhiris, Nairs, Ezhavas and Dalits. They are prefaced by two essays which discuss the origin of the caste system in Kerala and the historical process of its fragmentation and proliferation. The closing essay throws light on the role caste plays in contemporary politics. Over time, most of the external attributes of caste system have been rendered irrelevant by the changes that have occurred in society with the decline of the feudal order and the subsequent movements for caste reform. Yet, caste has persisted. An analysis of the internal contradictions within these movements throws light on the enigma that caste continues to be.
K.N. Panikkar retired as Professor of Modern Indian History at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and is the Founder Chairman of the Kerala Council for Historical Research and Founder Vice Chairman of Kerala Council for Higher Education. His main area of research has been the cultural and intellectual history of modern India, on which he has written extensively. Notable among his publications, which have been translated into several Indian languages, are: Against Lord and State: Religion and Peasant Uprising in Malabar; Culture, Ideology, Hegemony; Colonialism, Culture and Resistance; and History as a Site of Struggle: Essays on History, Culture, and Politics.