Medicine and Integration of Frontier Tribes: The British and After in Arunachal Pradesh by Tajen Dabi

Medicine and Integration of Frontier Tribes: The British and After in Arunachal Pradesh

AUTHOR- Tajen Dabi

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  • AUTHOR : Tajen Dabi
  • HB ISBN : 978-93-5687-046-8
  • Year : 2023
  • Extent : 238
  • Discount available on checkout
  • Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 working days.

Medicine and Integration of Frontier Tribes: The British and After in Arunachal Pradesh traces the use of medicine as an instrument of diplomacy in British frontier policy and as a medium of integration in the post-Independence era in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. A new domain of knowledge within the sphere of British–tribal studies is presented here for the first time: the peculiar absence of medical missions; the ‘political’ role of doctors; the European-Indian divide over patronage to the tribes; and the post-Independence government policy on the integration of tribes and the development of modern healthcare infrastructure. Aside from a summary of indigenous healing traditions, the volume also explores the origins of colonial epidemiology and dispensaries in the Brahmaputra valley during the nineteenth century through the necessities of the tea economy, a theme about around which limited literature is available.
The research in this volume hopes to contribute to historical narratives on British policies in tribal hinterlands by offering an alternate account of the contact between state systems and the tribes of Arunachal in the twentieth century, a period during which the region acquired its present constitutional, national and evolving cultural identities.

The Author
Tajen Dabi is Associate Professor in the Department of History, Rajiv Gandhi University, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh. He was born and brought up in one of the many recently settled mobile tribal septs of central Arunachal Pradesh. An author with several research articles and chapters in edited volumes, his research interests span the early and modern traditions of the history of Arunachal Pradesh and North-East India.

Table of Contents

Foreword ix-xii ix-xii
Preface xiii-xv
List Of Plates And Maps xvii
Introduction 1-9
Blurring The Boundaries: Pathways Between The Oxus And The Indus 10-18
Power And Politics Of The Indo-Iranian Borderlands 19-47
Catalogue To Analytical Frameworks: Changing Paradigms Of Graeco-Bactrian And Indo-Greek Numismatics 48-59
Part I: Understanding Hellenism
Hellenism At Ai Khanum 63-78
Hellenism At Kandahar: An Archaeological Perspective 79-86
Imprints Of Hellenism In The East 87-98 87-98
Part II: The Yavanas
Evolution Of The Term Yavana In Early India 101-107
Representation Of Yavanas In Early Indian Texts And Inscriptions 108-114
Part III: Cultural Interactions
Interactions Between Greece And India: Case Studies Of Myths And A Motif 117-127
The Greek Script As A Medium Of Expression In The Indian Borderlands 128-134
Religion And Politics Of The Bactrian And Indo-Greek Rulers 135-148
Epilogue 149-158
Bibliography 159-173
Index 175-178