West Asia and the World: Geopolitical Shifts, Multipolarity and Energy Development by Vrushal T. Ghoble

West Asia and the World: Geopolitical Shifts, Multipolarity and Energy Development
AUTHOR- Vrushal T. Ghoble
HB ₹1250 |
- AUTHOR : Vrushal T. Ghoble
- HB ISBN : 978-93-5687-049-9
- Year : 2023
- Extent : 232
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West Asia and the World explores West Asia’s changing political and socio-economic architecture post the 2011 Arab Uprisings. The chapters presented here investigate the influence exerted by regional and extra-regional actors and explore their power dynamics.
West Asia has been witnessing a directional change in recent years; once spectators to geopolitical developments, systemic changes in recent times within the states themselves indicate a restructuring of the region that has shifted the status quo in both the regional and the global contexts. However, many political, sectarian and economic conflicts still plague West Asia. This book explores West Asia’s outlook in composite terms towards issues of geopolitics, the types of states in the region and their outlook, multipolarity, energy development, the arms race, aid, the states’ role in geopolitics, and their strategic regional and extra-regional engagements. An attempt is made to scrutinize and appraise the balance of power among states and their ability to influence the regional and global orders.
The Author
Vrushal T. Ghoble is Assistant Professor at the Centre for West Asian Studies (CWAS), School of International Studies (SIS), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). He has published articles in reputed journals such as International Studies and Strategic Analysis and contributed chapters to edited volumes on West Asia. He has presented papers and delivered lectures at various conferences. He has also been a member of various academic bodies at both the school and university levels.