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Braj Bhum in Mughal Times
India’s Historic Battles
Medieval India
State and Peasant Society in Medieval North India
Indo-Persian Historiography to the Fourteenth Century
Cities in Medieval India
Relations Of Golkonda With Iran
Junaydi Sufis of the Deccan
Music as History in Tamilnadu
Literature, Culture and History in Mughal North India, 1550-1800
The Making of the Awadh Culture
Art and Craft Workshops Under the Mughals
Revisiting the History of Medieval Rajasthan
Medieval City of Agra
Essays in Medieval Indian Economic History
Religious Tradition and Culture in Eighteenth Century North India
The Spinning World
Medieval Indian Mindscapes
Speaking Rivers
Identity, Community and State
Chingiz Khan
Composite Culture Under the Sultanate of Delhi
Inscriptions Of The Vijayanagara Rulers
Studies in Polity, Economy and Society of the Trans-Gangetic Valley: Fifteenth-Nineteenth Centuries
Pondicherry under the French
State, Society and Ecology
Religious Cultutre of Gujarat
Streaming the Past
The Eternal Dastur Craft
Modes of Philology in Medieval South India
Bhakti and Yoga A Discourse in Seventeenth-Century Codices
Studies in Thought, Polity and Economy of Medieval India 1000-1500
Researches In Medieval Archaeology: Carvanserais, Buildings, Other Remains From Sultanate And Mughal Times
Socio-Cultural and Technological Development in Medieval India
Land Control And Social Structure In Indian History (Second Edition)
Land Tenure and Peasant in South Asia (Second Edition)